It is inevitable. You have carpet, you’ll have spots. Use the wrong product on your
carpet and you may end up buying throw rugs to cover up your
mistakes. Stain resistant carpets are designed to repel most
substances, giving you a window of opportunity to remove the spill
before it becomes permanent. There are many substances that can
permanently stain a carpet, regardless of how fast you are able to
clean up a spill.
The types of spills that can leave a permanent stain are: pet urine, vomit, coffee, tea,
and mustard to name few. Not coincidentally, these are also staining substances that
are not covered under most manufactures warrantees.
So, what to do when little Tommy or man’s best friend messes up your beautiful
carpet? Using a product not formulated
for carpeting can permanently “set” a
stain that otherwise would come out.
Many household cleaners also contain
bleach and lye, chemicals that can take
the color right out of your carpeting.
The first thing to do is remove any excess material from the carpet by blotting or with a
shop vac. Work towards the center of the stain, so as to
prevent further spreading. Do not rub excessively or use a
brush. Permanent fiber distortion can result. If the staining
material is water based, dampen a sponge and rinse the area.
Next, take a white towel, only use a colored towel if it has
been washed several times, and blot up as much moisture as
possible. Try standing on it.
If there is still a spot, you may need to use our Spot Out carpet spotter.
If the material spilled on the carpeting is petroleum or solvent based,
such as, grease, gum, nail polish, paint, glue and wax to name a few, the
directions above will not work. Removing materials such as these can be
tricky. Please call our office and we’ll be happy to give you advice.
Anything strong enough to remove them can also dissolve or weaken the
glue that attaches your carpet fibers to the backing! So be careful!
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